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Greengo, booking eco-friendly accommodations, a French alternative to Airbnb

Stays that Do Good.For you.|

A selection of over 16,000 eco-friendly accommodations, each with a little something extra.
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Eco-friendly and 100% made in France
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A selection of carefully chosen gems

GreenGo selection accommodation
A GreenGo accommodation is:
Authentic: with a little something extra: charm, setting…
Eco-friendly: actively involved in environmental initiatives
Fair: priced fairly considering the quality
Discover our new transport comparator!

Compare time, cost, and carbon footprint for any journey and any mode of transport.

Animated image of a high-speed train.
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Let’s face it: flying is not great

Carbon footprint of a round trip, per person

Source: ADEME - Datagir, mon impact transport

Paris - New York by plane

90% of the
annual quota
1,800 kg of CO2

Paris - Marseille by train

PlaneThat’s the real ratio
0.15% of the
annual quota
3 kg of CO2
Our mission: inspire you to travel


Animated image of a high-speed train.Mission and values
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What is an eco-friendly accommodation?

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How we select our sustainable and ecological gems at GreenGo

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How to choose among all our eco-friendly gems for your vacation?

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Our definition of sustainable and green tourism

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Green Tourism, our tips to become a true aspiring adventurer!

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The 1st eco-friendly accommodation platform. A French and fair solution that selects the best accommodations in France.

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